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English Learners

Our English Learners Program is designed to provide assistance to students who have indicated English is not their first language. We help develop their American English skills to a level where they can succeed in mainstream classrooms.

Students are eligible for the English Learners Program if:

  • Guardians list a language other than English on the Home Language Questionnaire; and,
  • The student shows a need for English Learner services and instruction based on language tests, teacher recommendations and parent input
  • Guardians complete the Home Language Questionnaire at the time of enrollment. If a student is identified as an English Learner, guardians will be notified of the services available to the student.

Guardians do have the ability to decline English Learner services, if desired.

Our Language Instruction Educational Program Plan

Looking for an Adult English Learners Program?

Adults are also eligible for an English Learners Program through Community Education!

Adult Basic Education